Monday, June 23, 2014

Anime Review: Is the Order a Rabbit? (Update)

Hello everyone!

Back in April, I did a review for an anime called ご注文はうさぎですか? (Gochūmon wa Usagi Desu ka?) or "Is the Order a Rabbit?"  You can read that post here.
 I went over the general plot and talked a little bit about each of the characters, though I wasn't able to review the character Syaro because she hadn't appeared in the series yet.

Now that she's been on the show for a while, I'd like to talk about her and how the series is continuing.

Syaro lives next door to Chiya and the two are long time friends.  She goes to the same school as Rize but is younger than her, so she calls her 'senpai.'  She really looks up to Rize and always wants to impress her, which leads to some pretty hilarious scenarios.  Syaro works at a cafe that specializes in different types of tea, and the cafe uniform is a bunny maid outfit.  There's this ongoing gag that the other characters think that Syaro comes from a wealthy family because of how cold she can be sometimes, and she desperately tries to keep up the act, even though in reality money is tight for her.  Another funny thing about Syaro is that she gets flustered easily.  Once the cold image is broken, she's a little awkward and goofy, and it's so cute.  It took me a few episodes to warm up to Syaro, but I do like her character and she fits in well with the group.

As the series continues, there are always more cute things and silly scenarios as one would expect from a slice of life anime, but there are a few more fun characters added as well.  The new character who is most interesting to me is an author who follows the girls around.  She seems to take inspiration from them and just so happens to be where they are a lot of the time.  She's a little bit out there and air headed, but is always kind to the girls.  Apparently she has some sort of past with Chino's grandfather...and she has the most hilarious name:

Aoyama Blue Mountain

When she introduced herself to Cocoa I couldn't help but bust out laughing!  Seriously, who comes up with these names?!  I was definitely not expecting that.  Anyway, she's a very enjoyable character and I'd love to see more of her.
I believe I stopped at episode eight, and there is a total of twelve episodes.  I'm so excited to watch them but I don't want the series to end!  I'm wondering if they'll leave it open for a second season...we'll see!  

I won't be doing a review of the ending of the anime because I don't want to spoil it for you!  I'm hoping my anime reviews will give you a taste to get you interested enough to watch the series, but not spoil anything for those who are currently watching.

For those of you who are currently watching this anime, who are your favorite characters?  Which cafe would you work in if you got a chance to?

Discuss down in the comments!

Thank you so much for reading, and I'll see you in my next post,



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